Contours can be generated from DTM files generated from drone, aerial and satellite stereo data. The contour accuracy and interval output will depend on the type of collection performed. Drone collections can have contours down to 10 cm intervals. For the drones, a downgraded contour interval may work better. Depending on the terrain, a 10 cm contour could be too dense to work visually. Aerial intervals can be down to 30 cm or 1-foot contours. Satellite DTMs can generate 3 meter or 10-foot contours depending on the terrain.

Contour Mapping and Survey Services
We can help with
Contours can be generated from DTM files generated from drone, aerial and satellite stereo data. The contour accuracy and interval output will depend on the type of collection performed. Drone collections can have contours down to 10 cm intervals. For the drones, a downgraded contour interval may work better. Depending on the terrain, a 10 cm contour could be too dense to work visually. Aerial intervals can be down to 30 cm or 1-foot contours. Satellite DTMs can generate 3 meter or 10-foot contours depending on the terrain.
For the different collections spot elevations can be added to the contour files. These will be placed in the open areas along with the tops and saddles of the contour files generated from the DTM data. The spot elevations will add more valuable elevation information to contour files.
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