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What is a Topographic Map?

Topographic maps are detailed, two-dimensional representations of the Earth's surface that show the contours of the land, along with other features such as rivers, lakes, roads, and buildings. These maps are commonly used by hikers, geologists, surveyors, and other professionals to navigate and study the terrain.

The contour lines on a topographic map represent changes in elevation, with each line indicating a specific height above sea level. The closer together the contour lines, the steeper the slope of the land. In addition to contour lines, topographic maps often include other symbols and colors to represent different types of terrain, vegetation, and man-made features.

Topographic maps are typically produced by government agencies, such as the United States Geological Survey (USGS), using aerial photography, satellite imagery, and ground-based surveys. They are available in a variety of scales, from large-scale maps that show very detailed features of a small area, to small-scale maps that cover a larger geographic region but with less detail.

In addition to being useful for navigation and outdoor activities, topographic maps are also important for scientific research, urban planning, and natural resource management.

What is a Topographic Map?

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