Digital Elevation Model DEM
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital representation of the terrain surface of the Earth or other planetary body. It is a raster grid of elevation values where each cell represents a specific location on the Earth's surface and contains information about the elevation at that point. DEMs are created using a variety of remote sensing techniques, including radar and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and can also be derived from contour lines or other forms of terrain data.
DEM data is widely used in various fields such as geology, hydrology, urban planning, environmental modeling, and many others. Some common applications of DEMs include:
Terrain analysis: DEMs are used to calculate slope, aspect, curvature, and other terrain attributes that are important for terrain analysis.
Flood modeling: DEMs are used to simulate flood events by calculating water flow paths, inundation areas, and other flood-related parameters.
3D visualization: DEMs are used to create 3D visualizations of the Earth's surface, allowing for better visualization and understanding of the terrain.
Site selection: DEMs are used to identify suitable locations for infrastructure development, such as roads, buildings, and wind turbines, by analyzing terrain characteristics and accessibility.
Natural resource management: DEMs are used to model soil erosion, land use change, and other environmental parameters, helping to inform natural resource management decisions.
DEM data can be freely available or commercially available, depending on the source and the resolution of the data. Different applications require different levels of resolution and accuracy, and the appropriate DEM data should be selected accordingly.
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